Season One

The Bazura Project 1.03 – Interview

Dr George Miller is the genius behind the Mad Max series. He talks to Bazura about his new focus: dancing penguins.

The Bazura Project 1.03 – Reviews

Shannon and Lee have a boxing match over Boxing Day movies: Night at the Museum and Happy Feet. Which one is worthy of your time and money? Only we can almost commit to maybe suggesting one over the other.

The Bazura Project 1.03 – Outro

Selamat tinggal!

The Bazura Project 1.04 – Opening

Lee thinks it’s time for new opening theme music. Shannon is not convinced.

The Bazura Project 1.04 – News

Just because it’s the Christmas/New Year period, doesn’t mean we couldn’t shore up some interesting news for you… or does it?

The Bazura Project 1.04 – Feature Story

How do you behave when you go to the movies? We have absolutely no idea. We barely know you. But how should you behave when you go to the movies? The Bazura Project instructs you on proper cinema etiquette.

The Bazura Project 1.04 – Interview

Shannon and Lee speak to Harvie Krumpet producer Melanie Coombs about throwing things against walls, prostitutes, and beer.

The Bazura Project 1.04 – Reviews

Lee and Shannon discuss the best and worst films of 2006, and Shannon explains the difference between “best” and “favourite”.

The Bazura Project 1.04 – Outro


The Bazura Project 1.05 – Opening

Community TV. Shit. We’re still only on community TV.

The Bazura Project 1.05 – News

How Kevin Smith makes our dreams come true, the small-time kid filmmaker just given $200 million, and why a film managed to gross $30 during its entire theatrical run.

The Bazura Project 1.05 – Feature Story

You’ve heard all these movie myths a hundred times before, and repeated them to your friends as solid fact. But how many of them are true? And will us exposing them stop you from repeating them?

The Bazura Project 1.05 – Interview

Shannon and Lee talk to Court of Lonely Royals director Rohan Michael Hoole about overcoming the odds to make films in Australia.

The Bazura Project 1.05 – Reviews

How come Shannon and Lee never like anything? Their psychoses are analysed deeply in this very touching reviews segment. Also, they review Dreamgirls.

The Bazura Project 1.05 – Outro


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